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Civic Technology Collaboration

Swimming with the tide of international trends on the "Public Code, Public Goods" and pursuing digital democracy, moda supports civic technology and empowers open source software development. The visions align with our vision of shaping Smart Taiwan and showcase Taiwan's strength and competitiveness in public-private collaboration.

1. Open source Software Localization

The moda strategically localizes proper open source projects by identifying the need for domestic civic technology communities and the usability of popular international open-source projects. The action lowers the threshold for Taiwanese using open source software and encourages more people to participate in the global open source ecosystem.

2. The Civic Technology Experimentation Field Foundation

Moda establishes an open source based civic technology experimentation field for central and local governments. The area allows moda to innovate public service and keep optimizing the codes with citizens. The digital public-private collaboration circulation contributes to the sustainability and resilience of public code.

This infographic presents a Civic Participation Policy that connects civic tech communities to co-create a digital governance model.  It highlights two key groups:  Policy-making Circle – Focuses on governance and policy guidelines. Civic Tech Circle – Engages in digital collaboration. The Department of International Cooperation supports governance with:  Open-source software environment. Civic tech ethics regulations analysis. The Civic Tech Communities contribute through:  Public issue resolution. International experience sharing. Public-private communication. The framework emphasizes trust, communication, participation, and support, ensuring a structured and inclusive approach to digital governance.

Civic Technology Collaboration Framework Initiative

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