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Ministry of Digital Affairs Takes The Lead In Implementing Website Resilience Enhancement Technology and Cloud-Native Architecture, Practicing Nationwide Digital Resilience

The Ministry of Digital Affairs (moda) announced the implementation of "Website Resilience Enhancement Technology" and "Cloud-Native Architecture" as demonstration cases today (August 18).  The purpose is to effectively respond to foreign cyberattacks and enhance website stability and digital service quality. The moda will share relevant experience with other government agencies and continuously promote public-private collaboration to achieve the core concept of enhancing "National Digital Resilience" through the application of digital tools.
The moda pointed out that the official website of the ministry ( is the first government website in the country to integrate two major technologies, namely, full-site static rendering and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), to enhance digital resilience.
Static rendering refers to the display of each page without the need for additional computation by the website server. This technology can be easily combined with other techniques to counter Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, reduce server load, and mitigate the impact on the website when the database encounters errors. In addition, the moda also adopts the "InterPlanetary File System" architecture, utilizing a web3 decentralized approach to distribute the "statically rendered" web data to IPFS nodes around the world. In the event of the main website becoming inaccessible, browsers with IPFS functionality can still retrieve web pages from other nodes, effectively avoiding service interruptions.
Furthermore, the "Government Data Standards Platform (" managed by the moda and the internal "Electronic Form System" have both adopted a "Cloud-Native" architecture. This means that system development and operation prioritize a cloud-centric approach, effectively increasing system fault tolerance and stability.
Cloud-Native architecture refers to packaging service components into lightweight "containers" that consume fewer computer resources at runtime, allowing for rapid deployment and operation on public clouds. In cases of sudden spikes in information system usage, cloud resources can be quickly scaled to avoid service interruptions. The moda's "Government Open Data Platform (" and "Digital Communications Resource Management System" will also gradually adopt this approach.
The moda emphasizes that the frontend programs and architecture of the official website are licensed under CC0, providing the public with the freedom to reference and use. Collaborating with partner companies, the department aims to enhance digital resilience across various sectors. The moda continues to share its achievements in building and implementing website resilience with other ministries and agencies. It provides concrete examples, experience sharing, environmental planning recommendations, technical guidance, educational training, and consulting services to assist other institutions. This includes the National Communications Commission and the upcoming Ministry of Environment and Resources, both of which will also introduce relevant technologies with the assistance of the moda.

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