The Organizational Act of the Administration for Digital Industries, Ministry of Digital Affairs (hereinafter referred to as "the Administration") and set and announced by the President on January 19, 2022.
The Administration’s main missions are to promote development of the digital economy, guide, award, and manage digital economy-related industries. According to the organizational act, the Administration is the competent authority on digital economy development, in charge of digital economy-related industry policy planning and regulation drafting as well as digital technology application promotion, which encompasses artificial intelligence, big data, platform technology, system integration and field applications, software products and digital services, digital content and data economy, and digital economy-related industry talent cultivation.
Additionally, as digital technology is a key tool that aids the digital transformation of Taiwan’s industries, the Administration is tasked with the promotion of applications relating to digital competency, helping Taiwan’s industries prepare for challenges and opportunities that come with the era of digital economy to create a new momentum for growth in Taiwan.