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The Innovation and Development for Sports Technology Project

Based on the "2021 Strategy Research Board (SRB) of the Executive Yuan - Taiwan Sports x Technology SRB ", this project aims to integrate industry, government, academia, and research resources for cross-disciplinary cooperation and to build Taiwan's sports technology into an emerging industry.

The sports data altruism platform has been established to assist domestic digital sports services, sports venues, sports equipment businesses, and related sports industries in developing emerging services for data applications. Through promoting consistent sports data standards and de-identification of data through privacy calculation, the project facilitates data integration and backend data applications to achieve the collection and implementation of sports data in venues, driving added value and application of sports data.

The adi collaborates across governmental agencies to organize the "New Modern Pentathlon Technology Sports Games" and promote innovative sports technology applications and services in various cities and counties to advocate and help the sports technology industry businesses to focus on innovative research and development, construct the development environment for sports data and technology applications, and lead industry innovation and transformation.

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